Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading Response #2

Both of these essays are discover essays rather than traditional essays because they state facts about the topic but do not take a side and they speak on the subject objectively. Ballenger states that research papers “make a extended argument about something in an effort to prove a claim” (430). This would normally be used in science experiment or history paper. You stated your opinion on a subject and state facts to prove your point and stated facts that discredit the other view. It is almost personal because there are two views to the subject but you only choose one and prove that one is right. Research essays also incorporate facts but it is more presenting evidence about a matter that was once less understood and further discovered. It is not your opinion or we are right and they are wrong kind of argument. It may be as simple as do airbags really save lives to are drugs really dangerous.
Holmquist starts off stating his experience with drugs, something that was not seen as harmful or deadly because it was not as “harsh as heroin and cocaine” (B25). Then he incorporates experiences either his or those he has seen through his friends. What makes Holmquist essay different is that he list both sides, the good and the bad. You will never read or write a research paper that gives evidence to support both sides of the argument because that would not even be a argument if you give both credit. He start with the fact the LSD (acid), MDMA (ecstasy) and GHB are not addictive. You take the drug out of want and not need. He tells his encounters and shares the great effects you feel from the drug. In a traditional research paper it would look as if he is in favor of legalizing drugs and that he was a hippie of some sort. However after explaining the positives he brings out the negatives which by far out weigh the positives. He discusses long term affects, short term affects and even the cases of death that have occurred and can occur. The beauty of this paper is even though it is not a research paper proving a point but it is still stating facts and research was done so the paper has substance and just opinion.
Garret - Brown’s essay also starts with a question which is common factor of research papers and research essays. He does not understand why you would pay for something you could get for free. He then tells a tan can be earned by just going outside and doing yard work or going to the park a beach. That is how it has always been done. Now that we are in the technology era we of course use a machine, what else is new. It is not that getting a tan is the problem because he himself tans but why do people choose to use a machine and pay for artificial lighting which in results in some form of cancer and do not even make your skin wrinkly and leathered. Though as the research shows people feel better and healthier by going to tanning salons. This paper is a research essay just as Holmquist but just not as many facts and very well said. He more or less states a few facts and his opinion, which I feel he uses too much of. Comparing Holmquist to Garret – Brown, you can see the difference. Holmquit states facts from good to bad, personal stories, third party accounts such as his friends Eric and Chris. This just makes his paper a experience backed by facts and evidence it makes it exciting and informative. In the end he does not say that the drugs are bad but he just does not like that lifestyle, but yet still likes drugs a lot. Which shows even though they are not addictive you still have a craving for them even after detoxing. It gives you a deeper understanding about illegal substances and shows the good things and the dark side. Garret – Brown is a not as engaging maybe because he uses more opinion than anything. He uses facts but he does not get deeper than the surface and does not discover the issue just plainly state a few points.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David, that was an amazing response, it was really interesting hearing your side of the story. I have to agree with you according in Holmquist's essay, it was better and more understanding, because he put his research with his own experience. Although it was a good essay/research you also have to see that he used most of his research information from the same places. In the other hand, the other essay of tanning, it was like you said, it didnt have that much to it, it didnt have a big body, but the information wasnt from the same place everytime. But for everything else I agree with you, they were both good essays, some better than others, maybe, but definitely Holmquist's was more elaborated than the other one. I also like, like you said about Holmquist essay,when he start talking about the good things of drugs and toward the end he stated all the bad things, that was also good. Good job bro!