Friday, September 26, 2008

Research Essay Topic

Topic: Wall Street Crisis
Question: How are financial institutions not financially stable
Affect on society and myself: Well being a business student and current investor it has alot to do with investing decisions that I will make in the near future. For others entire 401K's, retirement plans and life savings were lost. Now the government is looking to buy 700 billion of lost shares so this affects not just Wall Street but the American economy as well.


Aleisa said...

David, this is a great topic (and one I'm sorry to admit I know little about :) I want to make sure I understand the question you're posing--are you asking how financial institutions have become unstable, or are you asking "In what ways are financial institutions unstable?" (Do you see the difference?) It will be great if you can bring yourself into the essay by using the research you're doing to guide you as you make your own investing decisions. In fact, you might pose a more specific question like, "given the state of the market economy, what choices are in my best interest as an investor?" In your essay, you might tell the story of how your research has changed/inflenced your understanding of the crisis, and how your investing decisions have changed as a result. Again, I have no expertise in this area, so I'm looking forward to learning a little more about it from you.

Anonymous said...

u kno what..u have some great ideas and i want you to know that i will be following you buddy